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"She wondered how much she would be prepared to put up with. What cost did his love come at?"

 "Erotic Stories", "Erotica"




"The room was silent but for their breathing – his was slow and measured hers more rapid."

"She drew a heart in the sand with her toes and he stepped inside it wih her. There was no one she would rather share her heart with than him"

 "Erotic Stories", "Erotica"

" Angel had always been attracted to powerful men – men she could fight against but secretly never wished to defeat."

"The aroma of the potent spirit made her head spin as he filled her mouth with his liquor laced tongue."

 "Erotic Stories", "Erotica"

"No one went into a threesome with the intention of excluding one of that number...did they?"

Erotic Stories, Erotica

Perhaps love was meant to pass her by and to chase after it would always leave her disappointed



Isabella King



                        Love with a touch of pain...

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